4K、 1M、4M DRAMの企業別市場シェア

4K、 1M、4M DRAMの企業別市場シェア
1975 1990 1992
Intel 46% 東芝 22% Samsung 13%
Texas Instruments 25% Samsung 14% NEC 12%
Mostek 14% NEC 10% 日立 11%
NEC 4% 三菱 10% 東芝 11%
National 3% 日立 8% 富士通 9%

[出典] Gruber,H.(1998) “Learning by Doing and Spillovers: Further Evidence for the Semiconductor Industry.” Review of Industrial Organization, Vol.13, no.6


Albrecht, D. (2005) “AMD v. Intel: American Antitrust Law in the 21st Century” Engineering Law
2005年のAMDのIntelに対する訴訟(the 2005 AMD lawsuit against Intel)を取り扱ったもの
p.9 — 「過去数年間、Intelの売上高シェアは90%以上であり、AMDのシェアは約9%に留まっている。また最近8年間の内の7年間はx86マイクロプロセッサーの売上個数シェアはIntelが少なくとも80%を確保している。」
Point 25 in AMD‟s brief explains that “According to published reports, over the past several years it [Intel] has consistently achieved more than a 90% market share as measured by revenue, while AMD‟s share has remained at approximately 9%…Intel has captured at least 80% of x86 microprocessor unit sales in seven of the last eight years.”[注94] Per American Tobacco Co. v. Unites States, 80% market share constitutes monopoly.95 The 90% revenue figure also reveals a strong grip on the market, although the tests set forth in United States v. du Pont Co. and United States v. Aluminum Co. of America do not comment on the appropriateness of measuring market share by revenue versus of units shipped. In either case, it is hard to deny that Intel‟s 80% or more share of the x86 processor market is monopolistic in character. AMD‟s brief did not specify the sources of their market data, but the factual nature of AMD‟s monopoly claim combined with the well-settled tests for monopoly will be easy to confirm or deny after a thorough discovery process.
Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., with Nolan, Joseph R., Associate Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline M., Associate Clinical Professor, Fordham University School of Law. Black‟s Law Dictionary. Abridged Sixth Edition. West Publishing Company, 1991,p.10

IBM5100のCPU – IBM PALM processor (Put All Logic in Microcode)

PALMプロセッサは1チップのCPUではなく、複数のICから構成されているカード型CPU(single-card microprocessor)である。すなわち、13個の正方形のICチップ(バイポーラゲートアレイ)、3個のTTL(Transistor-Transistor-Logic,バイポーラトランジスタ)、1個のround metal canから構成されている回路板(circuit board)である。
Roberson,Dennis A. (1976) “A Microprocessor-Based Portable Computer: The IBM 5100”
 Proceedings of the IEEE, VOL. 64, NO. 6, JUNE 1976,pp.994-

マイクロプロセッサー売上高シェア推移 1977,1981,1890,1995

(Market shares in microprocessors percent of sales in US dollars)
Firms 8bit 16bit 32bit 32/64bit
(1977) (1981) (1990) (1995)
Intel 65% 70% 60% 77%
Motorola N/A 20% 21% 5%
AMD 1% 7%
Cyrix/IBM 5%
Other 10% 18% 6%
[出典] Gruber, H. (2000) “The evolution of market structure in semiconductors: the role of product standards,” Research Policy,29, p.735
[原出所] ICE


Market shares of generations in microprocessors and microcontrollers in 1987 and 1996 percent of sales value in US dollars.

  1987 1996
  Microprocessors Microcontrollers Microprocessors Microcontrollers
4-bit 0 28 0 15
8-bit 31 67 1 61
16-bit 44 5 2 24
32-bit 25   97  
Total 100 100 100 100
Microprocessors 1996の32bitの中には64-bit microprocessorsにも含まれている。
[出典]Gruber, H. (2000) “The evolution of market structure in semiconductors: the role of product standards,” Research Policy,29, p.737


Moore,G.E.(1965) “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Electronics, Volume 38, Number 8, April 19, 1965
Moore,G.E.(1975) “Progress In Digital Integrated Electronics,”Technical Digest 1975. International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE, 1975, pp. 11-13.
Moore,G.E.(1995) “Lithography and the Future of Moore’s Law,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2437, May 1995
Intel (2004) “Intel Drives Moore’s Law Forward with 65 Nanometer Process Technology,” Santa Clara, California, August 30, 2004
Intel (2005) “Innovation More Important Than Ever In Platform Era,” Intel Developer Forum, San Francisco,March 1, 2005


Guide to the Apple Computer, Inc. Records, 1977-1998
Repository: Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives.
Creator: Apple Computer, Inc.
Title: Apple Computer, Inc. Records,
Dates: 1977-1998
Extent: ca. 600 linear ft.
Abstract: Collection contains organizational charts, annual reports, company directories, internal communications, engineering reports, design materials, press releases, manuals, public relations materials, human resource information, videotapes, audiotapes, software, hardware, and corporate memorabilia. Also includes information regarding the Board of Directors and their decisions.
Collection number: Special Collections M1007


Guide to the Apple Computer, Inc. Ephemera collection, 1978 – 1998
Repository: Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives.
Creator: Apple Computer, Inc.
Title: Apple Computer, Inc. ephemera collection,
Dates: 1978 – 1998
Extent: 9 linear ft.
Abstract: This collection contains annual reports, internal communications, corporate communications, engineering reports, manuals, product information files, catalogs, price lists, Apple publications, human resource information, conference and workshop information, software, hardware, and corporate memorabilia.
Collection number: M0825
Language: English.



Jeremy Meyers,A Short History of the Computer(B.C.-A.D.1993)
The Computer History Museum, Virtual Visible Storage
Digibarn Computer Museum
The IEEE Computer Society timeline
Computer History Web Sites
Computer Industry History
the Electronic Software Publishing Corporationによる歴史的ページへのリンク集
A timeline starting 50BC focusing on industry is maintained at Bull in France.
A timeline of computer history events is available from ComputerHope, with many entries for Apple, Windows, and Unix.
A focus on Canadian Computing is maintained by Zbigniew at York University.
The Deutsches Museum in Munich has an extensive computer section, with some pictures of their large collection of early mathematical instruments.
The University in Erlangen also displays on the floors of its department a collection of their historical old computers (incl. a Zuse Z23 from 1962), components, computing instruments, and graphics.
Computing in The Netherlands is shown in a military museum and at the Computer Museum at the Vrije Universiteit which shows, among other, paper tape and analog computers.The Vintage collection
The impressive museum on office technology started by Heinz Nixdorf in Paderborn, Germany,
The Electronics Museum in San Jose, CA
The Nerds’ Timeline “The Triumph of the Nerds”.
The History of Computers a computer-meeting company
A site, “Computers: History and Development, from Jones Knowledge, which focused on hardware, but closed down in 2006.
IBM’s museum is now on line, as the Antique attic, vol.1, vol.2, and vol. 3.
Interesting pictures of antique instruments for sale are found at The Gemmary, Antique Scientific Instruments, Old & Rare Books.
Folklore of computing, at Monash Univ.
Bletchley Park, Enigma and Colussus site, where Turing worked during WW II.
A glossary of terms used in the MIT Multics literature, generally useful for old computer stuff (1965-1975). Also list of their people; some S-1 references.