例えばZaksは、マイクロプロセッサは、「電卓用チップからの自然な進化」(a natural evolution from calculator chips)によるものである、としている。
“Microprocessors represent a natural evolution from calculator chips, and were first introduced by Intel in 1971. Most major companies are now in the process of producing microprocessor systems.”(p.9)
The impact of the microprocessor can be expected to be more significant than the mini revolution a few years ago. The range of microcomputer systems extends throughout a wide spectrum of performance and cost, from the calculator at the low end, to the minicomputer at the high end. Typical execution times for microcomputers are still 2 to 10 times slower than those for minis, but are constantly shrinking. Microprocessors have evolved as standard OEM products, and cater exclusively to the OEM users, while minicomputers usually provide extensive support geared to the end-user. Their major impact is felt on economical and “smart” OEM digital products. As MOS LSI costs keep decreasing, the number of microcomputers should exceed by far the number of any other type of computer being produced.