Intel 8080 vs Motorola MC6800 — 対応プログラミング言語ソフトウェア、発売開始時期

Howard Falk (1974) “Computers: Microcomputer software makes its debut,” IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum, Octover 1974,pp.78-84, DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.1974.6366690のp80のSome currently available microcomputer softwareの表では利用可能なCross-Assembler、Self-Assembler、Editorが下記のようになっている。

Microcomputer Systems Cross-Assembler Self-Assembler Editor
Written in ANSI standard Fortran IV; source deck, $1250; now used on many systems, including IBM, CDC, and Univac, Time-sharing versions now up on several commercial systems.
Offers macro and conditional assembly capabilities
Versions for MCS-8 an -80 are compatible with the cross-assemblers.
MCS-4 version is not compatible.Available only to development system users.
No charge
Editors run on MCS-8 and -80. Manipulate strings, search, and substitute.
Available only to development system users.
No charge
Motorola Semiconductor Products MC6800 Runs on Tymshare system ; macro capabilities are in development
None Source statemen text editor runs on GE Tymshare system
Electronics December 26, 1974, Vol. 47 No. 26 (Published December 20, 1974) pp.114-115の記事
Michael Holley, Motorola M6800 Microprocessor Historyで同記事をダウンロードできる。
“It took a year to put the 8080 into silicon and the first production run was in December 1973. Intel introduced the chip to the market in April 1974 at a price of $360. The response was so great that the first five months of shipments repaid the 8080’s development costs.”
After the 4004: the 8008 and 8080. By Federico Faggin
“The 8080 really created the microprocessor market. The 4004 and 8008 suggested it, but the 8080 made it real.The 8080 really created the microprocessor market.” Faggin(1992)p.150
Faggin, F. (1992) “The Birth of the Microprocessor”,Byte, March 1992, pp.145-146,148,150
CPUの処理速度 —- MIPS値
Intel 8080 0.64MIPS(4004の約20倍、8008の約10倍の総合的性能)(動作周波数2MHz)
Motorola MC6800 0.7-1.3MIPS(動作周波数8-16.7MHz)
[Motorola MC6800のMIPS値の出典]金田悠紀夫(1991)『マイクロプロセッサとRISC』(電子情報通信学会編コンピュータアーキテクチャシリーズ)オーム社、p.2。