マイクロプロセッサー売上高シェア推移 1977,1981,1890,1995

(Market shares in microprocessors percent of sales in US dollars)
Firms 8bit 16bit 32bit 32/64bit
(1977) (1981) (1990) (1995)
Intel 65% 70% 60% 77%
Motorola N/A 20% 21% 5%
AMD 1% 7%
Cyrix/IBM 5%
Other 10% 18% 6%
[出典] Gruber, H. (2000) “The evolution of market structure in semiconductors: the role of product standards,” Research Policy,29, p.735
[原出所] ICE


Market shares of generations in microprocessors and microcontrollers in 1987 and 1996 percent of sales value in US dollars.

  1987 1996
  Microprocessors Microcontrollers Microprocessors Microcontrollers
4-bit 0 28 0 15
8-bit 31 67 1 61
16-bit 44 5 2 24
32-bit 25   97  
Total 100 100 100 100
Microprocessors 1996の32bitの中には64-bit microprocessorsにも含まれている。
[出典]Gruber, H. (2000) “The evolution of market structure in semiconductors: the role of product standards,” Research Policy,29, p.737
